Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Blog Assignment due May 29, 2012

Hi Class- Here is your assignment for this week:

Compare and contrast 2 EHR companies.  Pick the 5 most important issues you would face in deciding between the 2. Each group will designate a person to post the 5 on the blog.  This assignment is worth 2 points.


  1. Group 13

    When considering the right EHR company, there are certain issues that should be taken into account:
    1. Cost - When starting out as a new business owner, this is the biggest balancing act. Sure you want an inclusive program with all the bells and whistles but is the price right?
    2. ONC-ATCB certified - Although a change in administration may be happening soon, it's important to make sure the program you want now is going to get you the maximum amount of reimbursement, so making sure it certified is important.
    3. Size/type of your business - It's crucial when deciding on a company, to go with the program that can fit your specialized needs - i.e. patient-base size, technique, etc.
    4. Cloud capabilities - Having the ability for your data to automatically be backed up in a secure location is definitely something to look into.
    5. Demonstration of efficiency - Before making that final decision, have a demo set-up to see how the two programs work. More than likely, one will just flow better for you and your office needs.

  2. Group 17:
    We compared Greenway Medical and GE Healthcare Systems. The review prompted questions that a chiropractor needs to answer to ensure they are getting the EHR system that best fulfills the needs of their practice.
    1. Fit- Does the system you've selected fit the needs of your practice? It's important that the system you select will fulfill the minimum requirements of documentation for chiropractors. You must also make sure that you've not selected a system with numerous capabilities that you will never use (ePrescriptions, Hospital systems, etc...)
    2. Price- Is the system you select (considering capabilities) cost-effective compared to similar systems?
    3. Certification- Is the selected system accepted by insurance providers for reimbursement?
    4. Support- Is support provided 24 hours a day? (lets be honest, we will probably be using EHR after hours and on weekends)
    5. Efficiency/ Reliability- Can the company you select ensure that your system will work all the time when you need it? Are there reviews by other healthcare providers with a similar scope of practice that give positive testimonials?

  3. Group 15
    Future health econect vs. Chiropractic Advantage

    Price- Econect is free for the initial trial version. To get the most out of the system you will have to spend about $300 per application. You will only pay for applications that you want and need.
    Chiropractic advantage provides money back guarantee, price was not given, but includes the entire software system.

    Saving/storage capabilities- Econnect allows you to use their “Cloud system” to store your data for a designated price or you can store your information at your specific location.
    Chiropractic advantage allows you to store your information on your own system.

    User friendly- Econnect is very user friendly but takes time to get used to the system. Also includes billing and scheduling software within the program.
    Chiropractic advantage provides scheduling, billing, SOAP notes, and reporting in their package. Also provides easy customization of your EHR system. Uses voice, touch screen, tablet or ipad data entry. Allows you to view DICOM images with this software.

    Meaningful use- Econnect is meaningful use compliant but to become meaningful use compliant you have to buy the array of applications.
    Chiropractic advantage “provides certified EHR”

    Support- Econnect provides written and pre-recorded training, they also provide live training sessions/workshops, and support center.
    Chiropractic advantage unlimited online/phone support, free software updates, flexible training options, meaningful use assistance.

  4. Group 8

    We compared Eclipse and Future Health EHR Business Software. While comparing and contrasting these two systems, there were five important issues that would determine which software would be best for what would best fit our interests. These five issues are:
    1.Certification- The software is recognized and and accepted for all proper documentation and reimbursement.
    2.Price- The amount of the software and any monthly charges for additional apps, updates, or support.
    3.Accessibility- Seeing whether the data would be saved on a hard drive or online database and how much data is included in the initial price. Also if patient data is online, is there any time that the system may be down while the doctor has patient care.
    4.Time Efficiency- Having software that is capable of properly documenting all patient data in a precise way to optimize the doctors time with patients.
    5.Support/Upgrades- Companies may offer upgrades to software, and support team that can train the staff on all changes or problems with the software.

  5. Group 5

    We compared Chirotouch and Future Health. We chose Future Health because we are all familiar with it. I feel that it is an ok EHR system but there are a lot of bugs that need attention. Mr. Chandler gave us the direction of Chirotouch and it seems to be a lot more up to date with the technology. I know that we are beta testing features on Future Health but I am not convinced that it is the right software for new students starting off with EHR and diving in elbows deep. Future Health seems to be a good program for doctors that have been using paper files for years and are now making the switch to EHR. There is more repetition and busy work when using Future Health. And for those doctors that are not as technologically advanced could be a great option. But the student today is usually pretty savvy with technology and will do just fine with a more advanced EHR system.

    1. Chirotouch is ipad compatable, which is becoming more convenient to have.
    2. Chirotouch is more user friendly, has all of the bells and whistles that you need without the hassels experienced at school with future health (econnect)
    3. Chirotouch also has ipad outcome assessments that patients can fill out and complete while waiting and it will be in their file.
    4.Chirotouch has software that allows patients to check themselves in and start punching in information on their chief complaints and subjective information.
    5. Future Health (econnect) apps are not very user friendly and there seems to be a lot of repetition which could pose a problem in a busy chiropractic office.

    We were unable to get pricing without divulging large amounts of personal information.

  6. Group 11

    When comparing chiro touch and future health there where many similarities and differences between the two softwares. We found five issues that would help influence our descision on these softwares.

    1) Both systems where ONC- ATCB Certified which proved the validity of both softwares.
    2) Tablits where able to be used with chirotouch which makes for an easier more user friendly type system.
    3.) Both systems can have multiple providers which is benificial if you want your practice to grow.
    4)Chirotouch seems to be more doctor friendly by allowing patients to sign themselves in and give their chief complaint on sign in.
    5.) With todays healthcare market reinbursment for service is key and both systems meet guidelines to get the doctor paid for the services rendered.

  7. We compared Chirotouch and Future Health eConnect for our two systems. The
    following includes the 5 most important issues that chiropractors have to face.
    1. Meaningful use - it is important to pick a program that allows for Medicare and
    Medicaid requirements
    2. Cost - what is the cost for each system, are there any add-ons that require more
    money in addition to the base price? Is there a cost to using a cloud based system,
    additionally is there a cost per GB of storage of the cloud based system? One thing
    that should also be looked at is how user-friendly is each system, and is one worth
    the hassle over the other?
    3. OS requirements - does the software work with only a PC or a MAC or both? Can
    you use tablets, iPads, etc with the software, etc.
    4. Support - Does the software company have good technical/software/system
    support? How often does it upgrade the system? Is it constantly working out the
    5. What the system offers - How much bang for your buck are you getting? Does
    the system offer electronic medical records, SOAP notes, PT flow & management,
    billing, schedule, web extension so people can fill out forms before their visit? Also
    is the system user-friendly of what it does offer?

  8. Group 15

    5 most important issues in when deciding between two EHR systems.
    Future health econect vs. Chiropractic Advantage

    Price- Econect is free for the initial trial version. To get the most out of the system you will have to spend about $300 per application. You will only pay for applications that you want and need.
    Chiropractic advantage provides money back guarantee, price was not given, but includes the entire software system.

    Saving/storage capabilities- Econnect allows you to use their “Cloud system” to store your data for a designated price or you can store your information at your specific location.
    Chiropractic advantage allows you to store your information on your own system.

    User friendly- Econnect is very user friendly but takes time to get used to the system. Also includes billing and scheduling software within the program.
    Chiropractic advantage provides scheduling, billing, SOAP notes, and reporting in their package. Also provides easy customization of your EHR system. Uses voice, touch screen, tablet or ipad data entry. Allows you to view DICOM images with this software.

    Meaningful use- Econnect is meaningful use compliant but to become meaningful use compliant you have to buy the array of applications.
    Chiropractic advantage “provides certified EHR”

    Support- Econnect provides written and pre-recorded training, they also provide live training sessions/workshops, and support center.
    Chiropractic advantage unlimited online/phone support, free software updates, flexible training options, meaningful use assistance.

  9. Group 18:
    Our group compared Eon Systems and Chirotouch. While comparing these two systems, these were the 5 issues that we looked into:

    1) Certification: It is important that these systems are certified with the ONC(office of the National Coordinator) and they are credible EHR that will get you reimbursment.

    2) Prices: Especially starting out, it is important to get something that is affordable, yet a system that will be usable in your pracitice down the road. This includes upfront costs, monthly costs, training costs.

    3) System compatiblity: It makes a difference whether you plan on using a desktop PC or tablets as your main entry source. Eon and chirotouch are both tablet compatible.

    4) Conveinence: How long does it take you to navigate through a typical soap note? Many of these EHR companies have training modules you can do which take about 30-40 minutes. Count the number of clicks that it takes you to enter a soap on each.

    5) Support: You will want someone that helps to install the software and then is there to help you with any problems it has later... because there will be probs.

  10. Group 15

    5 most important issues in when deciding between two EHR systems.
    Future health econect vs. Chiropractic Advantage

    Price- Econect is free for the initial trial version. To get the most out of the system you will have to spend about $300 per application. You will only pay for applications that you want and need.
    Chiropractic advantage provides money back guarantee, price was not given, but includes the entire software system.

    Saving/storage capabilities- Econnect allows you to use their “Cloud system” to store your data for a designated price or you can store your information at your specific location.
    Chiropractic advantage allows you to store your information on your own system.

    User friendly- Econnect is very user friendly but takes time to get used to the system. Also includes billing and scheduling software within the program.
    Chiropractic advantage provides scheduling, billing, SOAP notes, and reporting in their package. Also provides easy customization of your EHR system. Uses voice, touch screen, tablet or ipad data entry. Allows you to view DICOM images with this software.

    Meaningful use- Econnect is meaningful use compliant but to become meaningful use compliant you have to buy the array of applications.
    Chiropractic advantage “provides certified EHR”

    Support- Econnect provides written and pre-recorded training, they also provide live training sessions/workshops, and support center.
    Chiropractic advantage unlimited online/phone support, free software updates, flexible training options, meaningful use assistance.

  11. Group 15

    5 most important issues in when deciding between two EHR systems.
    Future health econect vs. Chiropractic Advantage

    Price- Econect is free for the initial trial version. To get the most out of the system you will have to spend about $300 per application. You will only pay for applications that you want and need.
    Chiropractic advantage provides money back guarantee, price was not given, but includes the entire software system.

    Saving/storage capabilities- Econnect allows you to use their “Cloud system” to store your data for a designated price or you can store your information at your specific location.
    Chiropractic advantage allows you to store your information on your own system.

    User friendly- Econnect is very user friendly but takes time to get used to the system. Also includes billing and scheduling software within the program.
    Chiropractic advantage provides scheduling, billing, SOAP notes, and reporting in their package. Also provides easy customization of your EHR system. Uses voice, touch screen, tablet or ipad data entry. Allows you to view DICOM images with this software.

    Meaningful use- Econnect is meaningful use compliant but to become meaningful use compliant you have to buy the array of applications.
    Chiropractic advantage “provides certified EHR”

    Support- Econnect provides written and pre-recorded training, they also provide live training sessions/workshops, and support center.
    Chiropractic advantage unlimited online/phone support, free software updates, flexible training options, meaningful use assistance.

  12. Group 14

    We compared eclipse and life systems.

    There are many considerations when choosing an ehr system. A few things to review before choosing an ehr system are the following:

    1) cost - starting out as new practitioners, we need to focus on finding a system that is both efficient and cost effective. Are there any monthly service fees or update fees?

    2) billing certification - it is also important to know whether the software will allow for maximum reimbursement through insurance and other billing companies.

    3) support - if there is a glitch in the system, is technical support available 24 hours? Is there a fee for tech support? Any warranties or upgrades available with purchase price?

    4) privacy - does the software comply with HIPAA standards? Does it allow for password protected accounts?

    5) chiropractic friendly - does the documentation fit with our clinical model? Can we accurately and efficiently type a SOAP that complies with PART and proper coding?

  13. Group 16

    We compared Chirotouch and Future Health eConnect. Palmer Students have had the most experience with Future Health but there is a need to look at other electronic filing systems.

    1. Cost- As students or young doctors with heavy amounts of student loans or future debt from business loans, the need for a cost efficient software is critical. Some additional questions to ask are about start up costs, monthly costs, support costs, add-on costs, discounted rates?

    2. Customer Support- If the system fails, how long will you be shut down? Is there constant access to customer support for the software? Do you need to pay extra for it? Should you develop a backup filing system in case your electronic system fails?

    3. Meaningful Use- Since a large population of chiropractic patients are medicare patients, the electronic system must fall under meaningful use for proper medicare reimbursement.

    4. Validity- Are both systems ONC-ATCB certified? The software should be justified to validate your proper reimbursement from insurance companies.

    5. User Friendly- How easy are the systems to use in your office? Can you potentially transfer it to a hand-held device like an IPad? How easy is it to navigate through the software and type the SOAP notes. The easiness of the software is also very important.

  14. Group 19

    Our group compared and contrasted Eon systems and future health. The following were the top 5 considerations we looked at:

    1) Cost-Eon systems has three basic package deals that are fairly expensive, where future health starts off free and you can buy apps the would like to have and utilize into your notes. With future health's apps option it was highly feasible for new practitioners.

    2) Support- The customer support offered by the software companies is a much needed option because for the price paid they should be willing to install the software, teach office personal how to utilize the EHR properly and provide tech support 24/7 for convenience.

    3) Customization- To be able to customize the software to meet the needs and to match the flow of the doctor was a fairly high priority to make patient flow and documentation more time manageable and cost effective.

    4) Privacy- With all the strict HIPAA standards, we wanted to know things like password protection and employee restrictions.

    5)Certification-One last thing we looked at was the software certified so we could properly document and bill for reimbursement.

  15. Group 7

    Our group compared Future Health and Eclipse software programs for chiropractic practice. There are many different things that we compared between the two, but these were the most important to us:

    1- Cost: When starting into practice, it is important to keep overhead low so that the practice can start making money early on while not spending as much on software. However, it was also important for us to be able to expand our software as our practice expands.

    2- Certification: It is extremely important that the EHR software is accepted by the major insurance companies (ie: Medicare) to ensure reimbursement for all visits.

    3- Ease of use/practicality: The software must fit the demands of the clinic and the needs of the doctor. An EHR software is meant to make documentation easier so it must fit what the doctor wants both for daily visit notes as well as expanded physical notes.

    4- Accessibility with multiple devices (ie iPad/tablet): This allows the doctor to be able to bring a tablet into each adjusting room thereby removing the need for a full computer system in each room. This will not only keep privacy intact but will also decrease the cost for the clinic.

    5- Customer support: In case anything goes wrong, it is important to know that there is someone who can help fix the problem at any time. It is also important that someone is willing to teach the doctor and staff how to use the software.

    1. Group 15

      5 most important issues in when deciding between two EHR systems.
      Future health econect vs. Chiropractic Advantage

      Price- Econect is free for the initial trial version. To get the most out of the system you will have to spend about $300 per application. You will only pay for applications that you want and need.
      Chiropractic advantage provides money back guarantee, price was not given, but includes the entire software system.

      Saving/storage capabilities- Econnect allows you to use their “Cloud system” to store your data for a designated price or you can store your information at your specific location.
      Chiropractic advantage allows you to store your information on your own system.

      User friendly- Econnect is very user friendly but takes time to get used to the system. Also includes billing and scheduling software within the program.
      Chiropractic advantage provides scheduling, billing, SOAP notes, and reporting in their package. Also provides easy customization of your EHR system. Uses voice, touch screen, tablet or ipad data entry. Allows you to view DICOM images with this software.

      Meaningful use- Econnect is meaningful use compliant but to become meaningful use compliant you have to buy the array of applications.
      Chiropractic advantage “provides certified EHR”

      Support- Econnect provides written and pre-recorded training, they also provide live training sessions/workshops, and support center.
      Chiropractic advantage unlimited online/phone support, free software updates, flexible training options, meaningful use assistance.

  16. Group 15

    5 most important issues in when deciding between two EHR systems.
    Future health econect vs. Chiropractic Advantage

    Price- Econect is free for the initial trial version. To get the most out of the system you will have to spend about $300 per application. You will only pay for applications that you want and need.
    Chiropractic advantage provides money back guarantee, price was not given, but includes the entire software system.

    Saving/storage capabilities- Econnect allows you to use their “Cloud system” to store your data for a designated price or you can store your information at your specific location.
    Chiropractic advantage allows you to store your information on your own system.

    User friendly- Econnect is very user friendly but takes time to get used to the system. Also includes billing and scheduling software within the program.
    Chiropractic advantage provides scheduling, billing, SOAP notes, and reporting in their package. Also provides easy customization of your EHR system. Uses voice, touch screen, tablet or ipad data entry. Allows you to view DICOM images with this software.

    Meaningful use- Econnect is meaningful use compliant but to become meaningful use compliant you have to buy the array of applications.
    Chiropractic advantage “provides certified EHR”

    Support- Econnect provides written and pre-recorded training, they also provide live training sessions/workshops, and support center.
    Chiropractic advantage unlimited online/phone support, free software updates, flexible training options, meaningful use assistance.

  17. Group 15

    5 most important issues in when deciding between two EHR systems.
    Future health econect vs. Chiropractic Advantage

    Price- Econect is free for the initial trial version. To get the most out of the system you will have to spend about $300 per application. You will only pay for applications that you want and need.
    Chiropractic advantage provides money back guarantee, price was not given, but includes the entire software system.

    Saving/storage capabilities- Econnect allows you to use their “Cloud system” to store your data for a designated price or you can store your information at your specific location.
    Chiropractic advantage allows you to store your information on your own system.

    User friendly- Econnect is very user friendly but takes time to get used to the system. Also includes billing and scheduling software within the program.
    Chiropractic advantage provides scheduling, billing, SOAP notes, and reporting in their package. Also provides easy customization of your EHR system. Uses voice, touch screen, tablet or ipad data entry. Allows you to view DICOM images with this software.

    Meaningful use- Econnect is meaningful use compliant but to become meaningful use compliant you have to buy the array of applications.
    Chiropractic advantage “provides certified EHR”

    Support- Econnect provides written and pre-recorded training, they also provide live training sessions/workshops, and support center.
    Chiropractic advantage unlimited online/phone support, free software updates, flexible training options, meaningful use assistance.

  18. We chose future health and chirotouch. Future health is what we are all used to, and for many of us, the only software we have ever had experience with. Chirotouch is one of the more popular software companies around. There are many things to consider when selecting a company for EHR. One of the most important factors is cost. Not only cost upfront to purchase the software, but the cost of the neccesary hardware included, cost of setup and launch, tech support, data storage, and updates. Another important aspect is the data storage capabilities. It is a necessity to have offsite data storage. Both chirotouch and future health have offsite storage available. Another major point to consider is the availability of tech support. Are there going to be people available when you need them to help you get back on track. Also does the company offer onsite help with people in the field. A simple check to make is to see if the company is certified for medicare compliance. If it is not, it should be eliminated from consideration. Possibility the most difficult quality to judge is that of ease of use. WIll this software not only allow you to keep up with patient load, but will it enhance your ability to see patients, and limit your wasted time, while still turning out quality individualized notes. This is a personal preference and can only be decided by the clinician using the system.

  19. Group 1
    We compared future health to chirotouch. We wanted to compare: cost, accessibility, certification, customer support,user friedly.
    Cost: When starting a business or purchasing a business it is always important to take cost into account. Starting off one does not need the newest and best. One just needs a program which works.
    Accessibility: we wanted a cloud like format which would allow multiple access points along with multiple devices by which to access.
    Certification: certification is important for getting paid. having a program which is not certified runs the risk of not being paid.
    Customer support: Customer support is a reflection of the company and their dedication to providing their customers with respect and quality programming.
    User friendly: this may go hand-in-hand with cost. one may have to sacrifice some user friendly features for a more cost effective program.
    Bryan Asby

  20. Group 12
    Our group compared chirotouch and future health. The top five most important issues to consider before choosing a program are:

    1.Certification: Whether or not the software is accepted for all proper documentation and reimbursement by insurance companies.

    2.Cost: It is always important to shop around and find the program that is cheap but effective, expensive is not always better.

    3.Customer support: it is important to have someone that can be called at any time who can help fix the problem.

    4.Privacy: It is important to have log in/password protection and employee restrictions Due to HIPPA regulations.

    5.Time Efficiency- Having software that is easy and quick to use. Being able to customize the program to the doctors need in order to have proper documentation and decrease the amount of time spent on paper work.

  21. Group 2
    Our group compared eClinicalWorks and Greenway. The 5 issues that we thought to be most important when considering an Electronic Health Records program:

    1.) Viability of the company and knowing that it's software is certified and accepted universally.

    2.) The cost of the program and the applications that are needed to our specific practices.

    3.) The support that the company will provide to its customers that need help or experience technical difficulties.

    4.) The privacy and security provided by the company to its customers to allow for appropriate adherence to HIPPA.

    5.) The ease of use for the doctor and staff to ensure efficiency and effective records.

  22. Group 10
    Our group compared chirotouch with Futurehealth. We considered the following five issues to be important when choosing a new electronic healthcare records system:
    First off, the system to be utilized must be one that is accepted by all major insurance companies. Both chirotouch and futurehealth are very commonly used and are both widely accepted as acceptable software for electronic health records. Second, the system must be one that is priced such that a new chiropractor opening an office can afford it. Both futurehealth and chirotouch are similarly priced, with additional options that can be added later on for an extra cost. Third, the software must be simple enough to use that minimal training is required to master the program being used. Both futurehealth and chirotouch have good ratings in terms of being user-friendly. Fourth, the software should come from a stable company that is not in danger of "going under", making it impossible to get ahold of tech support etc. in the future. Lastly, the program must be one that runs quickly and effectively without freezing up or deleting data. It is imperative that the system operates error-free at all times.

  23. The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lot of great information which can be helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog, looking forward for more contents...Great job, keep it up..
    chiropractic certified software 
